Anno 2070 Wiki

To explain the backstory of the characters in Vulcanic Activities, I will have to spoil, so see my Vulcanic Activities blog post first if you want the experience as intended: (BTW this is all known stuff by someone of the main cast before the event.)

2013 - 2030[]

These times have not been tracked very well. The basic result was that the ecobalance had almost been destroyed and the population have split up into 3 basic groups: tycoons, craving production and balance, ecos, craving ecobalance and energy, and techs, craving technologies and scientific progress. The United Nations decided to take control and install a worldwide free-market nation. Various people were chosen through their abilities to command cities communistically, but were able to trade freely as if it was their personal business. The people who weren't city commanders could choose freely what city to live in. By the year of 2030 the Ark technology was perfected and adopted into the system. Rather than just one city, Ark commanders would command multiple cities and produce or import the goods locally. Skylar Banes, Seamus Green and Adrian Strindberg were born in this time period.

2031 - 2050[]

Sharon Decipiat[]

Sharon Decipiat was first seen living in Adrian Strindberg's slums in 2048. Her being born there was never known for sure.


Keto was born in 2031. She grew up as an Eco resident and was chosen to be an Ark commander. Even though she was a warphilic individual, she loved being an Arc commander. Her warphilia wasn't going by unnoticed by the society and she was not popular. She was put out of office in 2050, thanks to Tilda Jorgensen and F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype, who exposed her as a frauding individual (even though she didn't conduct fraud).


Hector was born in 2043. He grew up as a pirate of the Neo Skullz, but his father was expelled after he refused direct orders in 2048. Hector grew up with the believe that direct orders must always be obeyed (besides himself, obviously).

Skylar Banes[]

Skylar grew up as an Eco, but with a passion for war. She joined the Green Offensive, where she was much more war than eco. Having Tilda below her, she was juxtasupposed and left the Green Offensive for Tycoon warfare by the time Tilda made Keto leave the Senate. She took Keto's spot but for the Tycoons.

F.A.T.H.E.R. (prototype)[]

Being the first true A.I., this first version of F.A.T.H.E.R. had goals, but no morals. He used Keto's digital identity to make people see her as a frauding Ark commander. He did so to free up a place in the Senate, which he needed for a new law he wanted to pass, making A.I.'s legally capable of commanding, since Keto was opposed to that law and already had a bad reputation in politics.

Dr. Devi[]

Dr. Devi was born in 2038. Growing up as a true Tech, he never lost his love for the faction and what it represents. He was a main developer of F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype, and expressed his love for A.I.'s and his wish that A.I.'s were  legally more free, not realising F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype was listening, and had grown to Devi as a father.

Tilda Jorgensen[]

Tilda Jorgensen was born in 2044. She grew up in the Green Offensive, which was a big contender before the Eden Initiative first showed up. Being under Skylars command, she was juxtasupposed to warfare for life. She fled the Green Offensive at the age of 6 to any other city. The closest was Keto's, where she discovered the fraud set up by F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype. Crazy from offensivity everywhere she looked, she fled to a psychiatrist who she told about the fraud on the 28th of November 2050.

2051 - 2070[]

Sharon Decipiat[]

Sharon fled Adrian Strindberg's cities, and ruined them through hacking in the process, taking Adrian's live in the final action. People blamed M.O.T.H.E.R.. She fled to C.O.R.E. where she grew her friend circle and kept alive on robot hacking. She perfected her hacking skills and registered F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype, even though F.A.T.H.E.R. was already complete with morals and all, and kept the moralless F.A.T.H.E.R. in her personal quarantine, in case she was physically attacked and had to make her laptop (LabT.O.P. 2012) unusable. She fled from C.O.R.E. in a self-designed Zeppelin, but it was pretty much a modern version of the Hindenburg. She escaped C.O.R.E. without much pursuit, and sailed around the world, developing technologies, hacking robots for food, until she was taken down during one of Keto's rages in 2055. The zeppelin beyond repair, Keto left but Hector appeared the following day. In scare of death, she trew her laptop in the ocean (It could withstand such things). Sharon talked Hector out of enslaving her, and promised regular updates on very powerful and state-of-the-art technologies. Sharon escaped without any intention to give Hector any technologies for free. Perfecting her Zeppelin design, making it much more robust, she got her personal computer system and even created a digital version of herself in cyberspace. She conducted trade rather than simply stealing, juxtasupposed by Hector. About Hector, he appeared in one of the good crates and forced her to hand him over all her technologies at once in 2067. And as interest, he wanted another very, very powerful technology. She provided intel that an island would form, with a vulcano, being a perfect fortress, at the location she crashed, in 2080. She did so to make sure F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype would kill Hector's ships. She knew by hacking Ebashi's data centers. Hector wanted to make sure she didn't sell him off again and took her hostage. Digital Sharon took command of the Zeppelin and flew off into the distance, cloaked, when Hector left the Zeppelin. Raged, Hector threw Sharon into the ocean for betrayal. Sharon never learned how to swim.


Keto was devastated by her relieve of Ark command. She assembled a fleet and decided to destroy anything in her path, in the wild hope that she would someday destroy the person who killed her career. She was out for revenge and justice. She still is to this day.


Hector grew into his own pirate fleet and once captured Sharon. As described above, he raged when Sharon never gave the tech. He spent the rest of his life up to 2067 trying to capture her. When he did, the technologies he recieved were all stored in the Zeppelin, which fled. All he had was the location and time of the Vulcano. He decided to hijack all kinds of ships to be ready to capture the Vulcanic Island by the time it appeared.

Skylar Banes[]

As a Global Trust Ark commander, she grew in strenght fast. Her powerful charisma and intelligent business tactics made her climb the ranks like vines. By the year of 2057 she became Global Trust leader. She revised Global Trust to juxtasuppose the Eden Initiative, which has grown like wildfire among the eco people. Hereby, she gathered almost all people who weren't strictly Eden Initiative. The Global Trust percentage of Senate bursted into massive numbers until it was a staggering 76% in 2064. She lost 34% due to growing ecological problems and another 9% because resources were dwindling. These people went to the Eden Initiative and S.A.A.T. respectively. She has tried scraping back her old power, but has yet to grasp the subtle brilliance of the old glorydays of Global Trust.


F.A.T.H.E.R. was perfected by the S.A.A.T. and led to higher and higher commanding offices until he governed S.A.A.T. with such perfection he gathered almost 27% of the Senate into S.A.A.T., a growth rate of 400%. The growing usefulness of science and technology has kept S.A.A.T from shrinking. F.A.T.H.E.R. has eliminated all his older versions in 2063.

Dr. Devi[]

Dr. Devi has grown in S.A.A.T. ranks very well. Never straining away from science in favor of ecology or balance he has maintained much support in S.A.A.T.. F.A.T.H.E.R. has put him in charge of the representative role since 2063, also called the year of redesign in S.A.A.T., since the entire faction has changed massively since then. He also oversaw the growth of Tori Bartok, who is slightly more dubious of F.A.T.H.E.R.

Tilda Jorgensen[]

In opposition of warfare for life, she left the warhaving Eco parties and started her own, keeping reasonable afloat until 2080.


Alright. Let's get going. I don't have the time to flesh out everything, but this is going on:

Sharon was never confirmed born in Adrian's slums, was she now? She was sent forward in time by the people of Atlantis, as she was the emperor's daughter and only child. The timemachine could only sent one person at a time, and the idea was to bring the most important people of Atlantis to the future, where the Supervulcano lying in Atlantis wouldn't almost erupt, . This was in 70,011 BC. If anyone finds that number intriguing, it was the time of the great Supervulcano eruption which almost wiped out all of human kind. Sadly, they miscalculated and the Supervulcano erupted much, much sooner. Only Sharon was able to escape, but not without seeing her parents and all the people she ever loved washed away by the currents of molten rock. The timemachine was battered by the Supervulcano and Sharon and the timemachine were split in space. While Sharon was transported to Adrian's slums, the timemachine was lost. It turned out to still lie where Atlantis once was. While Atlantis was destroyed by the Supervulcano, which took with it almost all of human kind, Sharon grew up in the future, continuously in search of the timemachine, hopeful to go back in time one day to warn everybody she loved of the miscalculation.

Drake struck an automonous ship, driven by F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype (Remember where the laptop sunk? There is the Site.) Knowing F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype, it didn't end well. F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype also got access to the timetravel technology, and transported himself aboard the original Ark, hoping to be a permanent feature of all Arks. In a desperate attempt to annihilate F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype, the people aboard the first Ark sunk it. This explains what happened in the main campaign. F.A.T.H.E.R.'s ship in 2080, meanwhile, was attempting to attract the current F.A.T.H.E.R. in order to take control of S.A.A.T. through him. He was waiting at the ocean floor. Digital Sharon, meanwhile, contacted Ebashi and informed him about the events. She tells him the location of the Supervulcano, into which Ebashi is very interested, in exchange for a submarine capable of tracking the timemachine on the Ocean Floor. While Ebashi goes off to investigate the Supervulcano, Sharon is on her way to the timemachine. Both encounter F.A.T.H.E.R.'s prototype. F.A.T.H.E.R. takes control of Ebashi's fleet and rises to the surface, in order to eliminate his possible enemies.

It's 25:00. Continues tommorow.
